Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nicaraguan Flag Meaning: The two blue stripes represent the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea; while white symbolizes peace. It also symbolizes that the color blue symbolizes justice and loyalty; while the color white represents virtue and purity. The coat of arms features an equilateral triangle which represents equality. Inside the triangle are five volcanoes, which represent the five members of the federation. The triangle also contains symbols of liberty and peace - represented by a red Phrygian cap, white rays and rainbow.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

dia de los muertos

Dia de los muertos means day of the dead. On november 1st people visit the graves of children that have died and give them food and celebrate. They do the same for adults on november 2nd. Dia de los muertos started 500 years ago when the spanish people came to what is now known as Mexico and saw that the natives were mocking death. Now to celebrate this holiday people make sugar skulls and food to give to the dead. They put these things on an alter or an "ofrenda".

Sunday, October 25, 2009


fun facts

  • Largest country in Central America

  • Gold, Silver, Copper, Tungsten, Lead, Zinc, Timber, Fish are the natural resources

  • Tropical landscape

  • Bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the North Pacific Ocean

  • Located in Central America

  • 15% of arable land

  • Size of New York

San Cristobal Volcano

  • One of the seven active volcanos

  • Located right outsid the city of Chinandega

  • 1,745 meters above sea level

  • Constantly erupting since 2001


Sunday, October 4, 2009

Mi Familia

En mi familia hay cuatro personas: mi madre, mi padre, mi hermano y yo. Mi familia es divertida, cómica y tememos pelo negro. Vivimos en tucsón. No tenemos mascotas. A nosotros nos gusta sushi. Mi familia ve televisión mucho y habla en teléfono mucho también.
Yo soy atlética, tengo ojos de color café, activa y me gusta comer. A mi me gustan comer, chocolates, helado, deportes y sushi. Yo hago deportes, nado y soy una estudiante de st. Gregorio.
Mi papa es un doctor y trabaja mucho. A el le gusta deportes críquet y tenis. Le gustan electrónicos, y sushi también. Se llama Saeed.
Mi madre se llama Mubin. Ella es un estudiante de español. Habla en teléfono a veces. Ve televisión a veces también. Tiene pelo negro y ojos color de café.
Mi hermano se llama Mughni (mug-ga-ni). A el le gustan carros, dulces y legos. El va a pre-escuela. Tiene tres anos. El es muy travieso y ve televisión mucho también. A el le gusta Mickey Mouse Club House y Diego.
Me gusta mi familia mucho.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


Galla pinto was very easy to make. All you
need to make this dish is beans, rice, maybe
some meat and a few vegetables; such as
the ones used in salsa. My mom helped me make
galla pinto. She boiled the rice and beans, I mixed
the ingredients. It is not the hardest dish to
make so definitely make this delicious dish.

If you would like to make galla pinto refer to the
food section on this blog.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


This is the president of nicaragua, his name is José Daniel Ortega Saavedra. He has been president twice. Ortega has also been imprisoned two times at least.

These are the people who work in the government:

President of the Republic: José Daniel Ortega Saavedra
Vice-President: Jaime Morales Carazo
Secretary of the Presidency:
Minister of Agriculture and Forestry: Ariel Bucardo Rocha
Minister of Defense: Has not been appointed by the President.
Minister of Education, Culture and Sports: Miguel de Castilla Urbina
Minister of the Environment and Natural Resources: Rosario Lorío Arana
Minister of Family: Glenda Auxiliadora Ramírez Noguera
Minister of Finance and Public Credit: Alberto José Guevara Obregón
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Samuel Santos López (Chancellor)
Minister of Governance: Ana Isabel Morales Mazún
Minister of Health: Juana Maritza Quant Machado
Minister of Industry and Commercefont: Horacio Manuel Brenes Icabalceta
Minister of Labor: Jeaneth Chávez Gómez
Minister of Transport and Infrastructure: Pablo Fernández Martínez Espinoza

the gov is republic.

the country gained independance in 1838

nicaragua-comida; where to make it.......
Vigoron is a Nicaraguan dish mostly made with cabage. It is made for breakfast sometimes and it is a fast food. It is very easy to make and it is very filling. The food is almost always served on a banana leaf. Vigoron is also a Costa Rican dish.

The name Gallo pinto means "mottled rooster"
because the color of the rooster looks like the
rice in Gallo pinto.
Gallo pinto is a national dish from Costa Rica
and Nicaragua, however they both prepare the
dish in their own way. The dish is from the
Caribbean coast of Nicaragua.

if you would like to make Gallo pinto visit: